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Deploy ConvoStack on

Deploying a ConvoStack application to is free, but requires a few accounts and tools to get started.

This tutorial has some details that are specific to the structure of the playground project. In particular, the naming of environment variables, use and location of the .env file, and the use of the STORAGE_ENGINE env var to select the storage backend type are specific to some of the boilerplate code provided in the playground project. If you're using this guide to deploy your own ConvoStack-dependant backend, make sure to adapt the steps that reference those variables to your own requirements. For example, if you're not selecting a storage backend based on the STORAGE_ENGINE env var, you could simply skip that step.


  1. Register an account on
  2. Install the CLI (flyctl)
  3. Register an account on Neon

Set up a PostgreSQL DB on Neon

  1. Create a new Project on Neon. Make sure to keep the connection string, or you won't have the password for connecting the database later on.
  2. Create a DB within the project from the dashboard for ConvoStack (e.g., convostackdb)
  3. Create another DB, e.g., shadowdb, within the same project that will serve as a "Shadow DB" for tracking migrations. You might ask why do we need this? Well, our default storage engines use Prisma as an ORM, and Prisma uses this DB for migrations. Typically, Prisma would silently create and delete this DB when running migrations, but Neon doesn't allow users to create DBs on the fly, so we have to manually create this once and Prisma will con. To learn more about how the Shadow DB works, check out the relevant Prisma docs here.
  4. Copy the connection URL for the ConvoStack DB created in Step 2 into the DATABASE_URL value in your .env
  5. Then the connection URL for the Shadow DB created in Step 3 into the SHADOW_DATABASE_URL value in your .env
  6. Run npm run migrate-postgres to apply migrations to your new Postgres DB. This script will source the DB URLs from the .env file. If you're running this in the playground, make sure that you run this command from the apps/backend directory where the backend package.json and corresponding .env file are located. If you're running this in your own project, please reference the migrate-postgres from the playground and adapt as necessary.
  7. At this point, your database should be ready to go!


  1. From the backend directory, run flyctl launch. Follow the steps to name and configure your app based on the existing fly.toml. When asked if you want to create a Postgres DB, you should skip (unless you would rather use Fly's Postgres service). When asked if you'd like to create a Redis, make sure to respond yes. We'll use the Redis DB soon. If you skip this step, please consult the docs about creating an Upstash Redis instance from the dashboard or CLI after your app is created. Since we have to setup more env vars and secrets, do not deploy the app just yet.
  2. Check out the fly.toml file and edit the [env] block as you need to correspond to the configuration want. In particular, make sure to update the CORS origins and any authentication configuration options. Do not set any sensitive values here.
  3. For all of your secrets, use flyctl secrets set XXX=VALUE to set them. At a minimum, make sure to set DATABASE_URL, JWT_SECRET, and REDIS_URL. You should have all of these values (if you need to get the redis URL, run flyctl redis status <your fly app name>).
  4. You're finally ready to deploy! Run flyctl deploy to get your app online. After the deploy completes, your application should be accessible on a domain!

Fly Dockerfile

For an example Dockerfile, please check out this guide.

Example Fly Configuration

To deploy ConvoStack using, you can reference the following example deploy file from the playground repo.


The healthcheck in the fly.toml below calls [GET] /api/agents which is an endpoint implemented by the playground code, not the ConvoStack backend itself. If you'd like to use an HTTP healthcheck, you should add an endpoint to your Express server that will respond to GET requests with 200 OK.

app = "convostack-getting-started"
primary_region = "iad"

CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = "http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:5173,,,,,"
HOST = ""
PORT = "3000"
STORAGE_ENGINE = "postgres"
NODE_ENV = "production"

internal_port = 3000
protocol = "tcp"
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 1

handlers = ["http"]
port = "80"

handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = "443"

path = "/api/agents"
interval = "15s"
timeout = "5s"

The example deploy file showcases the necessary configuration for deploying ConvoStack on the platform. It includes settings for scaling, networking, and any other required parameters. For a detailed guide on deploying applications with, refer to the documentation.