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useConvoStack() Hook

The useConvoStack hook provides access to state variables and functions that are shared among all ConvoStack frontend components. It utilizes Redux Toolkit for state management.

To utilize the hook in your application, simply import and call the hook within any child component of the ConvoStackWrapper component:

import { useConvoStack } from "convostack/frontend-react";


const { toggleWidgetWindow, openConversation, graphqlUrl } = useConvoStack();

Although we give access to state variables, you will primarily be using the following functions to customize the behavior and interaction of ConvoStack frontend components:

useConvoStack() Functions


const toggleWidgetWindow = (arg: boolean): void


  • The toggleWidgetWindow function is used to control the visibility of the widget.


  • arg: boolean: When set to true, the widget will be toggled on and displayed. Conversely, when set to false, the widget will be toggled off and hidden.

Example Usage:

// Toggles on the widget to display the chatbot window

// Toggles off the widget to hide the chatbot window


const openConversation = async (
conversationId: string | null,
agent?: string | null,
context?: { [embedId: string]: string } | null,
embedId?: string
): Promise<string>


  • The openConversation function is used to open a new or existing conversation for the widget or an ConvoStackEmbed component.


  • conversationId: string | null - The ID of the conversation to be opened. Pass null to create a new conversation.
  • agent?: string | null - The agent for the conversation. If null is provided, the defaultAgent prop value from ConvoStackWidget is used.
  • context?: { [embedId: string]: string } | null - Additional context data for the conversation, provided as a JSON object.
  • embedId?: string: The embedId of the ConvoStackEmbed component for which to open the conversation. If provided, it opens a conversation specific to that ConvoStackEmbed component. If not provided, it opens a conversation in the widget component.

Return Type:

  • Promise<string>: A promise that resolves to a string representing the conversation ID of the opened conversation.

Example Usage:

// Opening an existing conversation with a specific ID

// Opening a new conversation with an agent named OpenAI and a specified context value
const conversationId = await openConversation(null, "OpenAI", {
example: "context",

// Opening a new conversation for a specific ConvoStackEmbed component using an embedId
const conversationId = await openConversation(


const openConversationList = (embedId?: string): void


  • The openConversationList function opens the conversation list of the widget or an ConvoStackEmbed component.


  • embedId?: string - The embedId of the ConvoStackEmbed component for which to open the conversation list. If provided, it opens the conversation list of the ConvoStackEmbed component. If not provided, it opens the conversation list of the widget.

Example Usage:

// Opening the conversation list of the chatbot widget

// Opening the conversation list of an ConvoStackEmbed component with the embedId "exampleId"


const updateContext = async (
conversationId: string,
context: { [key: string]: string }
): Promise<void>


  • The updateContext function is used to update the context of a conversation specified by its conversation ID. It allows you to provide a new context as a JSON object and updates the context for the given conversation.


  • conversationId: string - The ID of an existing conversation for which the context needs to be updated.
  • context: { [key: string]: string } - The new context to be assigned to the conversation. It should be provided as a JSON object where the keys are strings.

Example Usage:

// Updating the context of an existing conversation
const updatedContext = {
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",

updateContext("conversation123", updatedContext);


const dropSubscription = (embedId?: string): void


  • The dropSubscription function is used to drop the WebSocket connection to the subscription of a specific ConvoStackEmbed component or the widget itself. This function is handled automatically by the component itself, so explicitly calling this function should be limited or avoided unless there is a specific need.


  • embedId?: string - The embedId of the ConvoStackEmbed component for which to drop the WebSocket connection for. If not provided, it drops the WebSocket connection for the the widget.

useConvoStack() State Variables


context: { [key: string]: string } | null


  • The context variable holds the most recent context value that was set in the Redux Toolkit store. It can be used to update the context of conversations. The context is represented as a JSON object where the keys are strings and the values are strings.


data: any;


  • The data variable stores the currently set conversation data for the widget. It represents the data associated with the current conversation being displayed.


embedData: { [embedId: string]: any }


  • The embedData variable stores the currently set conversation data for all the ConvoStackEmbed components. Each ConvoStackEmbed component is identified by a unique embedId, and the conversation data associated with each ConvoStackEmbed component is stored in the embedData object.


isWidgetWindowVisible: boolean;


  • The isWidgetWindowVisible variable indicates whether the widget window is currently visible or not. If the value is true, it means the widget window is showing. If the value is false, it means the widget window is not visible.


isConversationListVisible: boolean;
  • The isConversationListVisible variable indicates whether the conversation list window is currently visible or not. If the value is true, it means the conversation list window is showing. If the value is false, it means the conversation list window is not visible.


isEmbedConversationListVisible: { [embedId: string]: boolean }


  • The isEmbedConversationListVisible variable indicates whether the conversation list window is currently visible for each ConvoStackEmbed component, identified by its embedId. If the value for a specific embedId is true, it means the conversation list window is showing for that specific ConvoStackEmbed component. If the value is false, it means the conversation list window is not visible for that ConvoStackEmbed component.


activeConversationId: string | null;


  • The activeConversationId variable stores the ID of the currently selected conversation in the widget. If no conversation is currently selected, the value will be null.


embedActiveConversationId: { [embedId: string]: string | null }


  • The embedActiveConversationId variable stores the IDs of the currently selected conversations for each ConvoStackEmbed component. Each ConvoStackEmbed component is identified by its embedId and the corresponding conversation ID stored in the object. If a conversation is not currently selected for a specific embed component, the value for that embedId will be null.