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React Components

All ConvoStack components are originally styled in TailwindCSS and exported, so they don't interfere with the styling of your own website. This allows seamless integration with existing components on your site. There are four React components that make up our component library:

To ensure ConvoStack frontend components import properly, add the following properties to your tsconfig file:

"moduleResolution": "node",
"esModuleInterop": true


The ConvoStackWrapper component serves as the entry point for integrating our chatbot widget into your site as it provides a shared Redux Toolkit store and React Query Client Provider for all ConvoStack components you choose to add within your application.

To add, include the ConvoStackWrapper component at the root of your application's component tree.

Example Usage

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<App />


The ConvoStackWidget component adds the chatbot widget to your site at the bottom right or left of your screen and initializes data in the Redux Toolkit store, such as the GraphQL endpoint. This component must always be added within the ConvoStackWrapper component.

If you want to only use the ConvoStackEmbed component in your site, you must still add the ConvoStackWidget component to your application within the ConvoStackWrapper; however, set disableWidget to true if you want to hide the widget from displaying on your website.


ConvoStackWidget component currently has the following props:

export interface ConvoStackWidgetProps {
graphqlUrl: string;
websocketUrl: string;
userData?: UserData;
customStyling?: CustomStyling;
icons?: CustomIcons;
defaultAgent?: string | null;
disableWidget?: boolean;
CustomMessage?: React.ComponentType<MessageProps>;

graphqlUrl: string

  • Allows our ConvoStack components to make API calls to our backend. This prop specifies the URL endpoint for GraphQL API requests.

websocketUrl: string

  • Enables a WebSocket connection for streaming and sending messages to AI agents. This prop specifies the URL endpoint for the WebSocket connection.

userData?: UserData

  • Store a user's conversation history by passing in a userData object. The userData object is of type UserData.

customStyling?: CustomStyling

  • Apply custom styling to the widget component by passing in a customStyling object. The customStyling object is of type CustomStyling.

    export type CustomStyling = {
    headerColor?: string;
    headerText?: string;
    headerTextColor?: string;
    widgetLaunchButtonColor?: string;
    widgetLocation?: "right" | "left";
    widgetWindowHeightOffset?: string;
    widgetWindowWidth?: string;
    iconsColor?: string;
    • For properties headerColor, headerTextColor, widgetLaunchButtonColor, and iconsColor, pass in an accepted CSS color value.
    • For properties widgetWindowWidth and widgetWindowHeightOffset, pass in an accepted CSS height and width value.

icons?: CustomIcons

  • Pass in your own custom SVG React components for specific icons used in the widget. The icons object is of type CustomIcons
    export type CustomIcons = {
    widgetLaunchButtonOpenIcon?: React.ReactNode;
    widgetLaunchButtonCloseIcon?: React.ReactNode;
    createNewConversationIcon?: React.ReactNode;
    sendMessageIcon?: React.ReactNode;
    backArrowIcon?: React.ReactNode;

defaultAgent?: string | null

  • This prop specifies the default agent to be used for new conversations for the widget. By default, it's null.

disableWidget?: boolean

  • Setting this prop to true will remove the chatbot widget button if you prefer to only use the ConvoStackEmbed component.

CustomMessage?: React.ComponentType<MessageProps>

  • The CustomMessage prop allows you to use a custom message component in place of the default Message bubble for displaying sent and received messages. The custom component should accept MessageProps as its props.

Example Usage

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<App />


The ConvoStackEmbed component allows you to easily embed chat functionality into your website. It can be added multiple times throughout your application as a child of the ConvoStackWrapper component. By doing so, all instances of the ConvoStackEmbed component will share the same GraphQL and WebSocket URLs, ensuring synchronized data across all components.


ConvoStackEmbed has the following props:

export interface ConvoStackEmbedProps {
embedId: string;
defaultAgent?: string | null;
customStyling?: CustomEmbedStyling;
CustomMessage?: React.ComponentType<MessageProps>;

embedId: string

  • ConvoStackEmbed requires a unique ID to identify and manage its local state before storing it in the backend. This prop is crucial when you have multiple instances of the ConvoStackEmbed component within your application.
  • To prevent interference between multiple ConvoStackEmbed components, make sure to assign a different id value to each instance.

defaultAgent: string | null

  • This prop specifies the default agent to be used for new conversations when using the ConvoStackEmbed component with a specific embedId. By default, it's null or uses the defaultAgent value set in the ConvoStackWrapper component.

customStyling?: CustomEmbedStyling

  • Apply custom styling to the widget component by passing in a customStyling object. The customStyling object is of type CustomEmbedStyling.

    export type CustomEmbedStyling = {
    headerColor?: string;
    headerText?: string;
    headerTextColor?: string;
    embedWidth?: string;
    embedHeight?: string;
    iconsColor?: string;
    • For properties headerColor, headerTextColor, and iconsColor, pass in an accepted CSS color value.
    • For properties embedWidth and embedHeight, pass in an accepted CSS height and width value.

CustomMessage?: React.ComponentType<MessageProps>

  • The CustomMessage prop allows you to use a custom message component in place of the default Message bubble for displaying sent and received messages. The custom component should accept MessageProps as its props.

Example Usage

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<ConvoStackEmbed embedId={"id_1"} />
<ConvoStackEmbed embedId={"id_2"} />
<App />


By default, the ConvoStackWrapper component utilizes the built-in Message component to display all sent and received messages in the chat interface. However, if you prefer to use your own custom message component, the ConvoStackWrapper and ConvoStackEmbed components provide the CustomMessage prop to accommodate your customization needs.

To use the CustomMessage prop, you can provide a custom component that you have created that incorporates the Message component according to your own requirements.


The Message component currently has the following props:

export interface MessageProps {
width: null | string;
message: { text: string; author: string };
className?: string;

width: null | string

  • Specifies the width of each message bubble component.

message: { text: string; author: string }

  • An object that represents the content and author of the message to be displayed in the message bubble.

className?: string

  • Allows you to apply additional custom CSS classes or Tailwind CSS classes to the message bubble component